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Here are some of the responses from reviewers of this exceptional work:
"Managing Risk and Information Security is a perceptive, balanced, and often thought-provoking exploration of evolving information risk and security challenges within a business context. Harkins clearly connects the needed, but often-overlooked linkage and dialog between the business and technical worlds and offers actionable strategies. The book contains eye-opening security insights that are easily understood, even by the curious layman."
Fred Wettling, Bechtel Fellow, IS&T Ethics & Compliance Officer, Bechtel
"As disruptive technology innovations and escalating cyber threats continue to create enormous information security challenges, Managing Risk and Information Security: Protect to Enable provides a much-needed perspective. This book compels information security professionals to think differently about concepts of risk management in order to be more effective. The specific and practical guidance offers a fast-track formula for developing information security strategies which are lock-step with business priorities."
Laura Robinson, Principal, Robinson Insight
Chair, Security for Business Innovation Council (SBIC)
Program Director, Executive Security Action Forum (ESAF)
"The mandate of the information security function is being completely rewritten. Unfortunately most heads of security haven't picked up on the change, impeding their companies' agility and ability to innovate. This book makes the case for why security needs to change, and shows how to get started. It will be regarded as marking the turning point in information security for years to come."
Dr. Jeremy Bergsman, Practice Manager, CEB
"The world we are responsible to protect is changing dramatically and at an accelerating pace. Technology is pervasive in virtually every aspect of our lives. Clouds, virtualization and mobile are redefining computing – and they are just the beginning of what is to come. Your security perimeter is defined by wherever your information and people happen to be. We are attacked by professional adversaries who are better funded than we will ever be. We in the information security profession must change as dramatically as the environment we protect. We need new skills and new strategies to do our jobs effectively. We literally need to change the way we think.
Written by one of the best in the business, Managing Risk and Information Security challenges traditional security theory with clear examples of the need for change. It also provides expert advice on how to...