According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, student enrollment in US nursing programs is rapidly climbing, with more than 250,000 nursing students attending schools across the nation.
Which also means tens of thousands of rejection letters get sent out to strong and fully qualified applicants every year.
Over 80,000, to be exact.
Here's the problem:
Most people who take the TEAS don't prepare nearly enough.
In fact, approximately 40% of nursing students have to take the TEAS at least twice to get the score they need, based on data from ATI Nursing Education.
In The ATI TEAS 7 Test of Essential Academic Skills Study Guide: Comprehensive Edition, you will discover:
● 11 practical strategies for dealing with difficult questions on the ATI TEAS Exam
● A simple 7-step system you can use to break down any reading passage into answers
● Which concepts and theories of general anatomy and physiology you need to know — how familiar are you with these 10 structures of the stomach?
● 148 practice questions, along with detailed explanations and answers to maximize your understanding
● Commonly asked questions that test-takers worry about
● Definitions for 31 math concepts that you're likely to encounter on test day
● 5 fundamental principles for studying for the ATI TEAS 7
● 8 text features to expect in any passage you come across in the reading section of the exam
● A 6-week study plan that guides you through how to prepare for each section of the exam
And much more.